
The What:
This is a blog where I go back, reread and review X-Men-related comics, starting with Uncanny X-Men #161 and slowly moving forward from there, month by month.

The Why:
I have a literal shit-ton of comics.  Sure, I go back and reread the classics every so often, but there is a hefty amount of my collection that just...sits there.  Since the majority of my collection is X-Men-based, I thought it would be fun to structure my nostalgia a bit and add snarky comments.

The Why Here:
Why start with Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #161?  It's not a random choice.  I got into X-Men in the mid-90s, when X-Men wasn't a comic, but a family of comics.  September of 1982 was when X-Men expanded beyond a single comic for the first time and began transforming into what it is today: a franchise.  I'm only planning to review comics I own, so this exercise will either help me justify filling in some gaps in my collection or convince me to eBay some of my crap.

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