Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Daredevils #4

"Killing Ground"
Published April 1983
Writer: Alan Moore
Penciller: Alan Davis
Inker: Alan Davis

What's Going On?
It's an all-out fight issue, as Captain Britain takes on Slaymaster.  Despite Captain Britain's personal force field and vast strength, Slaymaster is a far better fighter.  It takes all CapBrit has, and a tiny bit of help from his sister and her pal, to take out the villain.

Sub-Plots, oh the Sub-Plots!
- Captain Britain invites Betsy Braddock and her two remaining psychic friends to live with him at Braddock Manor.

- When Slaymaster is defeated, Vixen calls up Arcade to complain.  Apparently, Arcade was Slaymaster's trainer.  Arcade vows to finish Slaymaster's job, if only to settle a personal grudge against Captain Britain.

I like that the issue begins with some bits of inner monologue, instead of the typical superhero fight banter.
I don't normally think of "fight choreographer" when I think of Alan Moore's strengths, but he's actually quite good.  He updates Slaymaster into a legitimate threat that, in his next appearance, will be a legitimate cause for excitement; despite Captain Britain's nigh-invulnerability and strength, Slaymaster is a capable opponent here.  I almost rolled my eyes when Slaymaster started his spiel about ninjas --- there isn't much more 80s and overused than ninjas, right? --- but his conclusion that his hand isn't much use, except for cutting, was pretty great.  In fact, the only misstep in the whole issue (and a subjective one, at that) was having Slaymaster and CapBrit face off within arm's reach, completely unprepared for battle, when they are in the middle of a knock-down, drag-out fight.
It sets up that great line about cutting, but why wouldn't you have them looking like they were ready to hit each other here?  It's such an odd choice that it had to come from the writer and not the artist.

Alan Davis is getting better with each issue.  The sketchiness from the previous issue is almost entirely gone.  Now, we are treated to some gorgeous and graceful-looking fight scenes!  Life is good.

Retrospectively Amusing:
- Alan Moore takes some time to ridicule superhero comic fans.  It won't be the last time.
The "Coming Soon" sign is a bit of an Easter Egg, too.  We'll be seeing Saturnyne and the Special Executive in the next issue.

- Either Captain Britain knows how to program the hologram of Braddock Manor so that select people can see the building for what it is, or he is going to have some confused roommates soon.

Worth Noting:
- Inspector Dai Thomas makes his return in this issue.  Apparently, he used to hate costumed heroes.  Given how friendly he was with Excalibur, I'm curious as to when that changed.

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