Published August 1983
Writer: Alan Moore
Penciller: Alan Davis
Inker: Alan Davis
What's Going On?
The big fight from last issue continues for a bit before the Special Executive decide to escape with Captain Britain and Saturnyne. They return to Braddock Manor just in time for Captain UK (the cowardly Linda from last issue) to arrive and imply that the fate of Earth 238 --- the reality where all the superheroes have been hunted down and murdered --- is impending for this reality, too.
Sub-Plots, oh the Sub-Plots!
- The Fury has reached Earth 616 (barely) and has tracked down Captain UK. Luckily for her, she has the good sense to follow her own instincts and go to Braddock Manor for help. Meanwhile, the Fury is repairing itself until it is strong enough to continue its mission to kill Captain Britain (and, presumably, all the other super heroes).
- Lord Mandragon is not at all upset that Saturnyne has escaped. In fact, her escape makes him the default successor to her title of Omniversal Somethingorother. His plan to secure his position is to determine what reality she has escaped to and then destroy that entire universe.
- Tom, Betsy Braddock's boyfriend, doesn't want to live in Braddock Manor any more. It's just too weird and dangerous for him.
- Captain Britain seems to be getting tired of his hectic and dangerous lifestyle. I don't know if this will come up again later, but it's an interesting plot seed.
Like last issue, Alan Moore distracts from the (relatively) slow pace by punching up the humor. The Wardog joke was okay:
...and the Cobweb gag was a little better:
...but I genuinely enjoyed this moment of clarity by Captain Britain:
Aside from the humor, I think it is worth mentioning that Alan Moore has established three very credible imminent threats in this issue. There is the impending doom that may be set into motion by the Jim Jaspers of Earth 616, the dimension-destroying ambition of Lord Mandragon, and the viciousness of the Fury. This is all building to a head quite nicely.
Most of the issue shows off Alan Davis' talent for capturing humor, which is an uncommon talent in the industry. In what is quickly becoming typical for this run, he balances that character-based work with a good dose of action.
Retrospectively Amusing:
- Remember that sophisticated hologram to convince people that Braddock Manor is rubble? Apparently, that didn't give Captain UK a problem when she came to visit. I also like that the doorbell ringing didn't surprise anyone, despite the whole hologram thing. I wonder if that detail is going to be dropped now?
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